project: サイバー和菓子
フードテック・プロジェクト OPEN MEALSに参画。
- 詳細
- 「サイバー和菓子」は、気象データをもとに独自アルゴリズムを開発し、3Dプリンターで成形した和菓子です。気候変動や都市生活により、かつてのように四季を感じられなくなる今、風速・気圧・気温などに応じて形や色が変わる和菓子を通じて、当日の東京の「空」を見て、食べて、楽しむことができます。
六本木ヒルズのレストランTHE MOONがMedia Ambition Tokyoの一環として、2月29日から1カ月間「サイバー和菓子」を提供します。
- Details
- I am pleased to announce that I had participated in food tech project called OPEN MEALS in which we produced edible Cyber Wagashi. Cyber Wagashi were formed by 3D printer that uses a proprietary algorithm developed based on weather data. Due to the change in climate and urban lifestyle, today we can no longer sense the four seasons like we used to before. Cyber Wagashi, which change their shape and color depending on the wind speed, air pressure and temperature, allow us to see, eat and enjoy Tokyo sky each day. As a part of Media Ambition Tokyo, THE MOON, a restaurant in Roppongi will be serving Cyber Wagashi for a month, starting from February 29th.
Press release/English
OPEN MEALS: サイバー和菓子